
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

“Novela y cine de ciencia ficción española contemporánea: Una reflexión sobre la humanidad”

The Edwin Mellen Press acaba de publicar este libro de la Dra. Cristina Sánchez-Conejero, de la University of North Texas, un repaso en profundidad a la ciencia-ficción española. Para llevarlo a cabo, la autora se desplazó a España para entrevistarse con algunos de los autores más destacados del país: seis novelistas y un director de cine, Carlos Atanes, con quien mantuvo una larga conversación centrada sobre todo en su película FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions”.

Éste es el sumario:

Prólogo de Ignacio López-Calvo

Parte I
La ciencia ficción española contemporánea
1. La ciencia ficción y Ia lógica humana
2. Conceptos futuros de guerra y humanidad
3. Nacionalismo, racismo, y feminismo: una anti-utopia de ciencia ficción
4. La historia: un cuento de ciencia ficción?
5. El debate ciencia/religión
6. Cyberpunk, robots, tecnologIa y… ¿el final de la humanidad?

Parte: II: Entrevistas
1. Entrevista a Juan Miguel Aguilera, novelista
2. Entrevista a Carlos Atanes, director
3. Entrevista a Elia Barceló, novelista
4. Entrevista a Gabriel Bermúdez-Castillo, novelista
5. Entrevista a Rafael Mann, novelista
6. Entrevista a Javier Negrete, novelista
7. Entrevista a Domingo Santos, novelista
Obras citadas
Indice alfabético


This book is a comprehensive study on a marginal genre that reveals key elements of Spanish culture and invites a better understanding of humanity as a whole. The body of work on the topic of Spanish science fiction is severely limited and, of the very few sources that exist, most focus on literature by means of a historical perspective. This work analyzes both literature and cinema in an interdisciplinary context and includes a critical and philosophical perspective in order to explore a diversity of cultural topics of contemporary relevance.

“Demonstrating stylistic elegance, meticulous research, and a comprehensive approach, [this work] is the best scholarly study to date that offers a highly innovative and impressively wide- ranging exploration of important questions given our present time, place and space and how Spanish science fiction writers and filmmakers engage their readers in them: universal questions pertaining to our very humanity, our role as rational beings, as agents and victims of war, as proponents of nationalism, racism, or feminism, as interpreters of History, our debate with religion, and as technological partners in our very own uncertain future.” – Prof. Doreen O’Connor-Gómez, Whittier College

ISBN10: 0-7734-5104-8
ISBN13: 978-0-7734-5104-9
Páginas: 316
Año: 2009

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