
Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Mi good friend Oriol Aubets, actor and scene director, yesterday said me that the actor's main activity is not to play in front of the audience, but to assay. To essay is what the actor devotes more time, so it is important manage to do that time the most stimulating, amusing and productive as possible. Because it's about to enjoy (not suffer) while working. Apart from advising him to put his interesting ideas on a blog, I have said him that he is right. Then I have thought that, as well as it is normal and desirable that an actor would be paid for his essays, I would be paid for sleep, that is my main creative activity. Dreams are a creative work's basic part, and maybe it would be accounted in the fee. If there is fee, of course.
Mi buen amigo Oriol Aubets, actor y director de escena, me dijo ayer por la tarde que la actividad principal del actor de teatro no consiste en actuar delante del público, sino en ensayar. A ensayar es a lo que dedica más tiempo un actor, así que es importante procurar que ese trabajo sea lo más estimulante, divertido y fructífero posible, porque se trata de disfrutar (no sufrir) trabajando. Aparte de recomendarle que pusiera sus interesantes ideas en un blog, le he dicho que estaba de acuerdo con él. Entonces he pensado que, así como lo normal y deseable es que un actor cobre por ensayar, yo debería cobrar por dormir, que es mi actividad creativa más relevante. Los sueños son una parte fundamental del trabajo creativo, y quizá debieran aparecer contabilizados en la minuta. De haber minuta, claro.

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